Empowering the indigenous economy through the power of koha
Empowering the indigenous economy through the power of koha
Empowering the indigenous economy through the power of koha
Ko wai mātou?
IndigiShare exists to revitalise and empower indigenous economies through a platform of partnership.
We are building economic resilience today so that we can pave the way for sustained self-reliance and wellbeing for generations of tomorrow.
Drawing on deep wells of indigenous knowledge, we are shifting power into the hands of our community, reindigenising the way financial capital flows, so it flows in a way that serves all of us better.
From this, we can build a more equitable and more transparent economy that is grounded in community reciprocity.
Empowering indigenous communities
We are creating a movement to empower indigenous economies. We do this through equipping whānau with innovative, secure, and highly-transparent financial products to build economic resilience and reindigenise the flow of capital.
Utilising the
potential and power of reciprocity
IndigiShare is powered by koha, a circular, two-way reciprocity concept that sits at the very core of our purpose. Koha is not just about giving and receiving, but embodies the connections we make and the communities we are building.
Creating intergenerational impact
We are creating long-term intergenerational impact through enabling entrepreneurship within our communities today, to pave the way for self-determination and resilience for generations of tomorrow.
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive
Empowering Pakihi Māori with Te Whare Manaaki
IndigiShare is proud to distribute our first pilot loans through Te Whare Manaaki, a koha-lending model that’s building a supportive ecosystem where pakihi Māori can thrive. We’ve seen first-hand the obstacles pakihi face. Access [...]
Introducing IndigiShare’s new look and website!
At IndigiShare, we envision a world where the power of koha grows and enables impact. To realise this vision, we have embarked on a transformative journey and are proud to launch our new website [...]
IndigiShare is now a registered charity!
He rā whakahirahira tēnei! After our fourth (yes fourth) attempt at registering with the Charities commission we have finally been approved! There’s lots to say about this process, and how the rules aren’t inherently aligned [...]
IndigiShare presents at the Rotorua X Connect hui
E tuku mihi ana ki a Darren and the team at Firestation Business Training for the invitation to speak at tonight’s Rotorua X business networking event. It was great to update some of our first [...]
We visit Money SweetSpot
IndigiShare was honoured to be invited to attend the launch of Money Sweetspot in Kirikiriroa today. We got to meet awesome people in the space of social lending, and the funders who are backing [...]
Koinei ngā whakahoki kōrero!
Koinei ngā whakahoki kōrero! We would like to thank everyone who came to visit us at Te Matatini i tērā wiki to help us test Te Waharoa – the world’s first indigenous payment gateway! [...]
Ao Pāpāho
Growing the “koha-driven economy” for Māori business
IndigiShare, the non-profit dedicated to revitalising the Māori economy, has distributed its first pilot loan as part of an innovative [...]
Former beneficiaries come to the aid of small businesses as Digital Doers
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Tompkins Wake Rotorua Business Awards 2023 finalists announced
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Bike tech brake sensor and app to seek investment
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