Te Awe: Wellington Māori Business Network 

Te Awe: Wellington Māori Business Network 

Te Awe Wellington Māori Business Network is dedicated to encouraging and promoting business enterprises in the Te Whanganui a Tara / Wellington rohe through highly effective networking hui and manaakitanga.

Te Awe Wellington Māori Business Network is a non-profit organisation and was established in 1996. It is the oldest Māori Business Network operating in New Zealand. We are registered with the Registrar of Companies as an Incorporated Society which is governed by a committee on a voluntary basis.

Te Awe has a strong membership base representing small to medium sized businesses through to large corporate companies. Non Maori business people can also take advantage of our Associate Membership option.

Te Awe's purpose is to promote, assist and encourage Māori in business through regular networking Hui where Maori business owners meet and share their business successes and challenges.


If you are in business, part of a business, have an interest in business, engage in business expertise, are passionate about Maori businesses, developing a business, have skills and competencies businesses may require then joining Te Awe is a must. We don.t limit our membership to business owners and operators because Iwi, hapu and whanau play a vital role in Maori business success, therefore non-business owners are also welcome to join.

What does a Te Awe membership offer?

  • Regular high quality networking hui where information and contacts are shared together with great ideas.
  • Exposure to a number of highly successful Maori and non-Maori business leaders presenting and discussing contemporary business issues.
  • Help members keep up to date with current issues affecting Maori.
  • Provides a positive environment where individuals may network and establish relationships with large enterprises that want to utilise the products and services offered by Maori service providers.
  • Save you money by negotiating on your behalf member to member discounts.
  • Encourage you to participate and be recognised for your business achievements in the biannual Te Awe business awards.
  • Experience and celebrate who we are as a people in business e.g whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, and our Maoritanga.


This programme has been developed by the Te Awe Maori Business Network (Wellington) to assist Maori rangatahi to achieve their goals and aspirations by providing them with opportunities through mentoring in the workplace.

  • Kaupapa 1: Mentoring in the workplace.
  • Kaupapa 2: Hui held with the mentors, mentees and whanau, an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate success and achievements.
  • Kaupapa 3: A circuit across the region that engages Maori rangatahi with Maori business lead

(04) 388 2152